Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our Mission

Three to four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year in animal shelters. The constant influx of homeless animals is too great for these shelters to keep up with, and especially with the dangerous ones, putting them down is the only humane solution. Even PETA kills over 90% of the animals in their care.
Meanwhile 22 thousand people per day die of starvation. Especially in Africa this is caused by low yield crops and an inability to create enough food to feed the people. You always hear that we as Americans should be grateful for our food instead of eating huge portions and throwing away most of what we cook, but shouldn't we be looking somewhere else for the real waste?
What is happening to the cats and dogs that are euthanized in shelters each year? Nothing. Their bodies are buried or even just thrown away with the trash. Because of cultural taboos against eating animals that we keep as pets we don't see anything wrong with this. But in reality, we are throwing away millions of pounds of meat that could be frozen and sent to impoverished nations. Starving people are not discouraged by taboos. Why should our opinions mean more than saving lives?
That is why we have started PECAD, people for the eating of cats and dogs. We hope to spread our message across the country and slowly have it gain acceptance. We could save millions of people. Through the loss of an animal we could save a human life.

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